Wednesday, October 15, 2008

New job, new week . . . do I go for #3?

This is day 3, and it's not too bad. Once I get through this one, I know the only glitch is my willpower, since the physical addiction is gone (so They say).

My quandary is, shockingly, nothing to do with the heinous quitting smoking thing. It's about how I should get to work. I have to be downtown at the library on the 5th floor by 8:30. If I drive, I have to pay ~$8 in parking and leave at 8 a.m. sharp. If I take the Max, I have to leave by 7:30 sharp, but get to read/crochet (yes, Ainsley, there is a blanket in your future!) and listen to my iPod and feel so urban and chic. Or . . . wait for it . . . I could bike. It's about 6 miles each way, there are indoor bike racks and showers, and I have the perfect bike with all the gear. Too, I could take it easy and bike to the Lloyd Center Max station, about halfway . . . it's very tempting, if only for some way to get some exercise. I may try the bike tomorrow. Hold your breath!

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