Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Ever done something OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER?

Yeah. This is like that, except it's not the fun things like spinning around on the playground merry-go-round until you vomit, or sticking your tongue out at strangers, or blowing the seeds from dandelions. It's quitting smoking, and at this point I can sadly say that I have some skill at it: "Oh, this is the part where I ask my friends and family for support . . . I wonder if they'll do it anymore or if they'll just ask me to bring back the wolf pelt on my own." Day two today, and I had the "Oh, damn, this is the headache and really stinky sweat-it-out day. I hate this one." And I'm so very looking forward to tomorrow, which if my last blog is any indication, begins the "oh, man, THAT doesn't look healthy" Cough-a-Thon 2008 II, in which your author's lungs try to rid themselves of the thick gooey black coating that currently resides.

Well, griping, bitching and moaning aside, it helps to write it out a bit and to know that in so doing, I've gone 5 more minutes without a cancer stick.

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